Donate to a worthy cause.
No donation amount is too large or too small. Your decision to donate will assist the Foundation to help others less fortunate in need of our vital services.
How does my donation help?
MedicAlert ™ Foundation is a not-for-profit, member-based organisation that does not receive any government funding to provide its services.
Your decision to donate will assist the Foundation to help others less fortunate in need of our vital services. Donations also allow us to maintain our awareness programs throughout Zimbabwe.

How can I make a donation?
No donation amount is too large or too small. We appreciate your continued support in our mission to provide all Zimbabweans with potentially life-threatening health conditions or special medical needs with our protection. Donations can be made via a deposit into our bank account. Please see our bank details:
For any queries regarding donations please email – or call +263 0242-704488
MedicAlert™ Zimbabwe Bank Details
Bank Details: First Capital Bank
Account No: 21571001225
Acc Name: MedicAlert Foundation of Zimbabwe
EcoCash Merchant No. 01127
Mobile No. 0775-693202
Welfare Organisation Registration Number W.O.20/83.

My brother, Keith Minnaar has worn a MedicAlert bracelet for over 10 years, He is a mentally retarded epileptic who amongst other things is allergic to bee stings. On 2 occasions, one in Durban on holiday and one in Kariba I believe that the bracelet saved his life and helped the hospital staff make the right and timeous decisions.

I had an angina attack and workers at Westend helped me by giving me the proper medication after reading the information on my MedicAlert™ bracelet.

My emblem has been of assistance. I was ill and when I got to the hospital I could not tell the nurse what was wrong. She read the information on the emblem and when I woke up the next morning I asked her how she knew what to give me. She reminded me I was wearing the emblem.
A Special Thanks to Our Sponsors

Contact Us
+263 242 704 488
MedicAlert™ Zimbabwe No. 1 Van Praagh Avenue, Milton Park, Harare
Monday - Friday 8:30am - 1:30pm
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